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MARIE - Dive Instructor

Please don’t feed me!

For several years the practice of feeding sting rays, to attract tourists, has been common and popular in many establishments around the Maldives. Despite the prohibition of the practice by law, it still continues. Baros is one of the very few resorts where we refuse to do so due to the risk to both wildlife and guests.

By feeding sting rays and sharks, we create dependency on humans which can lead to imbalances in the natural ecosystem. Throwing fish waste in the water as bait can create a feeding frenzy, attracting giant trevallies and jackfish, as well as sharks and rays. This can lead to a potentially dangerous situation where previously harmless sharks and rays become food-hungry and predatory.

Touching sharks and rays becomes easy when they are fed, as they come very close to the beach. Although this might be an exciting moment for a tourist, it can be dangerous to their delicate equilibrium. Their skin is protected from bacteria by a layer of mucus covering their bodies and touching them risks exposing them to foreign elements that could adversely impact their health.

In Baros we love to understand our marine ecosystem so we can identify our role in it and respect nature’s principles.
